International Academy for Intercultural Research

7th Biennial Conference
Singapore, July 24-28, 2011

Abstract Submission Form

Instructions:  Please complete all items.  Prepare your abstract using either WORD or a word processor that is compatible with WORD. Files should be saved with a .doc or a .rtf extension not a .docx extension. Include in the abstract, the title, the corresponding authors name, address, and email and the same information for all other presenters.   Upload the abstract using the instruction below.  To move between windows, use the TAB key, not the ENTER key.  When you are done, click on the "submit" button at the bottom of the form. 

Today's Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Type of Submission
Corresponding Author
Postal Address of Corresponding Author
email of Corresponding Author
Additional Presenters/Authors
Title of Submission
Keywords (separated by commas)
Upload Abstract. Browse to the file by clicking on the "Browse" button. 600 word maximum for the abstract
Are you or any of your co-presenters planning to attend the Asian Association
of Social Psychology meetings in Kuming, PRC?  If so, and if your proposal
is accepted, we will try to schedule your presentation so that you can make the
connecting flight(s).
When done, press submit button